Friday, June 22, 2012

Something's gotta give, or rather - GO!!

And that is to be precise the extra weight that has slowly crept on; mainly AROUND MY MIDDLE!!

This has been a gradual and stealthy creep - almost when I wasn't looking (!)  and by dressing cleverly and covering up in winter layers I can look reasonable and kid myself that no, I don't have to do anything about it, and that life is for living and enjoying myself etc. etc.   See photo above - layers and dressing cleverly = not too bad.  (Or if all else fails place handbag in strategic position for photograph).

My father returned to UK after his wonderful visit here at the beginning of last week.  We had a fabulous time with him - much eating and drinking and merry making too.  Since he left the weather has been pretty miserable though with rain and plummeting temperatures which has necessitated in consoling oneself with hearty meals, red wine and cheese and meetings out with friends for coffees and cakes... OH DEAR.

Anyway, this time I am determined to do something about it and get rid of 6.5 kgs or so, which is around 14 lbs or 1 stone.....  Definitely.

Next week I will post about how my plan of attack will take place and it will probably be by joining Weightwatchers.  Don't laugh.  I have been before - ions ago - at least 15 years or so when I lived in UK.  But by writing about it on the blog it makes it all more real.

There, I have said it now.  No going back.


  1. ahh, sarah, i know you can do this. it sounds like your mind is made up and really that's all it takes. xo

  2. I wish you success! I've just been trying to stick with unprocessed foods and cut back on snacking (well, that one isn't going so well) and have dropped a couple of pounds but do really need to ramp it up a bit.

  3. Good luck Sarah.
    Your determination will stand you in good stead.
    I found giving up bread and gin and tonic helped me
    oh and protein with each meal.

  4. Good luck! We will be here if you need us.

  5. Hey I stopped smoking via blogging and have stayed steady at the gym and eating well.

    I know it helps that I made myself accountable to the world at large.

    I work better this way.

    I fight the same battle, it takes hard work and a lot of exercise but it must be done!


    xo Jane

  6. Hey I stopped smoking via blogging and have stayed steady at the gym and eating well.

    I know it helps that I made myself accountable to the world at large.

    I work better this way.

    I fight the same battle, it takes hard work and a lot of exercise but it must be done!


    xo Jane

  7. Well I can't tell you have got middle weight, you always look lovely dear! Good luck though- walking around the block at all?? XXX

  8. I'm telling you now, the best way to get rid of the extra kilos is by cutting out sugar!! Eat as much cheese and hearty meals as you want, but give sugar a flick and you will not look back!!

    GOOD LUCK!! xx

  9. Hi Sarah-
    You should meet my new best friend Jenny Craig- she makes it simple. good luck.

  10. Am with She wore it well,no sugar, no really works.Ida


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